Product Descriptions
Divo-b is a formulation containing vitamins of group B and betaine. The product is recommended in poultry nutrition to improve amino acid absorption and increase carcass meatiness and after antibiotic treatment, also when mycotoxin binders are used in nutrition. Indispensable in alleviating stress symptoms caused by thiamine deficiency.
Indications for use:
Main components:
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Pantothenic acid
Folic acid
Vitamin K
Doses in the water dispenser
Poultry: 1 L per 4 000 L of water for 7 days
Swine: 1 L per 2 000 L of water for 7 days
Lactating sows: 1 L per 5 000 L of water for 14 days
Dairy cows with symptoms of subclinical acidosis: 1 L per 1 000 L of water for 14 days